How to cancel instacart

To cancel your Instacart account or membership, you’ll typically need to contact Instacart customer support directly. Here’s how you can do it:

Open the Instacart App or Website: Launch the Instacart app on your mobile device or visit the Instacart website in your web browser.

Navigate to Help or Support: Look for the “Help” or “Support” section within the app or website. This is usually found in the app’s menu or at the bottom of the website’s homepage.

Find Contact Information: In the Help or Support section, search for contact information to reach Instacart customer support. This may include a phone number, email address, or live chat option.

Contact Customer Support: Use the provided contact information to get in touch with Instacart customer support. Explain that you’d like to cancel your account or membership and provide any necessary details, such as your account information.

Follow Instructions: Customer support will guide you through the cancellation process. They may ask you to confirm your decision and provide a reason for canceling.

Verify Cancellation: After canceling, ask for confirmation of the cancellation. This may be provided in the form of a confirmation number or email. Be sure to keep this confirmation for your records.

If you’re unable to find contact information within the app or website, you can also try searching online for Instacart’s customer support contact details. Alternatively, if you have a specific issue or question related to canceling your account, you can try reaching out to Instacart through their social media channels for assistance.

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